"As the darkness now draws near, see the cycle of the year; As the light now goes within, let the hallows dance begin!"
-Celtic Samhain Blessing
What the world celebrates as Halloween, we honor as Samhain (pronounced “SAH-win”)—the Celtic New Year and a sacred festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. This ancient tradition, celebrated from October 31st to November 2nd, invites us to embrace both death and rebirth as the cycles of nature transition from vibrant summer to the quiet, introspective darkness of winter.
Symbolically, Samhain is the moment when the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest. It’s the perfect time to pause, reflect, and reconnect—whether that’s with loved ones who have passed, with your inner self, or with the magick that flows through the season. While the long, chilly nights can feel a bit eerie, Samhain teaches us that the darkness isn’t something to fear—it’s simply a time of rest, reflection, and the planting of seeds for new beginnings.
Let’s talk rituals! If you're feeling the need to ground, recharge, and welcome the transformative energy of Samhain, these self-care practices will help you tap into its potent magic while focusing on your spiritual wellbeing.

Creating a Sacred Space for Samhain
An altar is the perfect way to create a focal point for your rituals. Not only does it provide a visual reminder of your intentions, but it also helps draw in energy aligned with your spiritual practice. Use a small table or a corner of your home as your altar and adorn it with meaningful objects. Here's what we suggest for your Samhain altar:
Crystals for Samhain:
- Garnet for strength, stamina, and passion.
- Labradorite for manifesting your dreams and igniting magick.
- Obsidian for grounding and powerful protection.
- Moonstone to symbolize transformation and new beginnings.
- Selenite for connection with higher realms and cleansing energy.
- Amethyst for protection and heightening your intuition
Samhain Decor: Incorporate autumn elements like leaves, pumpkins, or objects in shades of black, gold, and burgundy.
Honoring Ancestors: Place photos or mementos of loved ones who’ve passed, along with offerings like their favorite food or drink.
Candles & Divination Tools: Light a magickal candle like our Harvest Moon Cauldron Candle, or use purple and white candles for peace and connection. Include a tarot deck or any other divination tools to help guide your intentions.

Cleanse Your Space & Spirit
Before diving into your ritual, take a moment to clear the energy around you. Cleanse your space by burning an herbal bundle or incense. This practice creates a sense of purity and focus. We recommend protective plants like rosemary, thyme, or mugwort, or our Selene Herbal Bundle!), but any you have on hand will work. Take a few deep breaths, visualize white light enveloping you, and feel any distractions or negativity melt away.
Meditate & Reflect
Sit comfortably by your altar and check in with yourself. What emotions are bubbling up as the year draws to a close? Use divination tools like tarot or scrying to help uncover what your intuition is trying to tell you.
Let Go of Negativity
Samhain is an ideal time to release anything that’s weighing you down. Consider it a spiritual detox. Meditate on any lingering negativity or burdens you’re carrying. Write them down and safely burn the paper outdoors, allowing the smoke to carry away those heavy energies. With the ashes, imagine releasing and burying all that no longer serves you.
Cultivate Gratitude & Set Intentions
Gratitude is a key element of wellbeing. Take time to reflect on what you're thankful for this year. Write down the things that bring you joy, fulfillment, and peace. Place your crystals over this list as you fold it up, and leave them there until Samhain ends on November 2nd. This will charge your crystals with the energy of gratitude and openness to new possibilities.
Remember: As the seasons change and the nights grow longer, we aren’t saying goodbye to the light—we’re creating space for its eventual return. Just as Samhain marks the end of one cycle, it signals the rebirth of another. Honor the past, cherish the present, and open your heart to the future. ✨